If more than three people read my meanderings, I would expect to get lambasted for this. These three readers should lambaste me for this. But, why is it that the crazy right winger women are usually pretty attractive? I just don't see a Hillary or Rachel Maddow getting anywhere in right wing circles. I may have just answered my own question here. Do the Righties need a pretty face to talk about their policies, otherwise people would just completely tune it out? Or is teh stupid easier to handle coming out of beauty queen's mouths? Basically, Bachmann called for a resuscitation of HUAC this past Friday and while this resulted in record donations to her opponent, she still will be re-elected. Elizabeth Hasselbach was a goddammed Survivor loser yet there she is, every day on the View, spewing every RNC talking point like the programmed Stepford Wife she is. Michelle Malkin, has written a book on how the internment of Japanese-Americans was just so, awesome, and how we need to think about doing that to Muslim-Americans. Palin, we all know about her. I am not going to talk about Ann Coulter as I believe she and Bill Maher have some sort of weird, over the top bet with each other for atrociousness. And she is not hot. I know that I could find twice as many hot liberal women, but the thing is, they are usually pretty intelligent. They have gotten to where they are by actually knowing the issues and not pandering to the lowest common denominator. But, I am just sexist.
Are you saying Whoopie Goldberg isn't hot? Maybe liberal women don't age well. If you look at old pictures of Hillary as a campus activist she's actually pretty hot. Now she's scary as hell. I think Nancy Pelosi used to be attractive, too, but now she looks like a wax figure.
I think it is Ann Coulter's fault. A bunch of women said to themselves "These fat old rich guys are getting all horny over that fucking ugly old hag??? I'll be a millionaire in no time."
Hillary was kind of librarian-hot. I always liked Hill in '92 when she was all about the headbands. Pelosi definitely, I just tried finding a picture of her as a young woman. The only thing I could find was a picture of her when she was about 11 and oddly, a picture of Ali Landry in a modern swimsuit where people are saying it is "Young Pelosi". Funny.
Dude. If you are going to mention Michelle "I've Never Seen Hardball Before" Bachmann, at least give props to my main man Elwyn Tinklenberg!
I mean for all those undecided MN 6th district readers out there...
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