Saturday, November 15, 2008

Favre great. Packers suck. AP , while great, should have been flagged.

(Above picture is approximate way Aaron Rodgers looked on Sunday, all game long. Ironic that Korver is now a Buck.)But it would have been so much sweeter if Favre was just destroying the Packer's last week (Odd writing that sentence). I am sure the Jet's first place standing in a tough division and the Packer's third in the worst division in the history of the NFL, other than the NFC West, is purely coincidental.


Ryan Johnson said...

If you are afraid of McCan'ts, who aren't you afraid of?

Jack Burton said...

He does seem quite imposing.

Ryan Johnson said...

i may be a drunk asshole but ap should NOT have been flagged. period. best running back ever. period. other than payton. period.