Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Even if Universal Health Care is at stake, still not cool.

Daschle, and every other nominee, pay your fucking taxes. I know, it was some obscure thing involving a driver and such, but Jesus Christ. I rip on Joe the Plumber for it and now at least two nominees have been caught up. What happened to "No Drama"? Obama is trying to save the country with a new New Deal and this shit just distracts, but it works on the average voter and taxpayer. You have just given the idiot party the greatest talking point evah, at the worst time, "Just like a liberal, don't pay your own taxes while raising every one else's". Fuck man, that is just stupid.
Update: He gone.
Update II: How about Dr. Howard Dean, or are we still pissing our pants about the Scream? I know he is not such the cozy guy that Daschle is with the legislators, and he only formulated a strategy that made for solid majorities in the House and Senate, but he might know something about health care, also. Daschle had conflict of interest issues all over the place with the company he last worked for, anyway. You think the Repugs would not have brought that up once or twice?

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