Monday, October 20, 2008

Ol' Jack always says . . . what the hell.

Alright, so there seems to be a little controversy regarding Brett Favre and the Packers. Like every other time. Do I think that Favre did what is alleged? Probably. Does it make the vindictive, angry side of me happy to see him stick it to the squad that completely fucked him over? Absolutely. My question: Why is everyone retiring to the fainting couch like there is some sort of shock that Favre is still pissed about this? Jebus, he wanted to play for the Vikings, specifically to stick it to the Packers. The biggest rival of the Packers at the moment. And I was excited to have him there, but the Packers made damn sure he was not going there. I wonder why he was not good enough to stay on the team that he made for 16 years, but too good to play for the Vikes? In Packer country here everyone of course is following the Company Line that this is the worst betrayal since Nina Myers was discovered by Teri Bauer trying to escape. That is another thing that bugs me about Packer fans. This unquestioning loyalty to the organization that would rival anybody from Moscow circa. 1932. The way they turned on Favre is just embarrassing. I truly believe the fanbase really doesn't care if the team wins or loses just as long as they can have tailgating, Cheeseheads, and their precious season tickets. If Kamerade Thompson says it, it must be true.(sorry for the mix up between Commie and Nazi allusions). And that just is......frustrating. Get Randy Moss? No way, he can't run anymore. Tony Gonzalez? Too old and not worth a third round pick. The Packers used to do that, take chances on free-agents and make trades for stars. And guess what? We went to Super Bowls, Baby.

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