Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What does that mean, huh? "China is here"? I don't even know what the hell that means!

Now that we are going to nationalize the banks, the American auto industry, and the airlines, maybe we could do a little bit about health care, too? After all, it would be nice to, you know, not be the last industrialized nation not to make it a habit to take care of its own.
P.S. Goddammit, the map is too small but the blue on it shows universal coverage, green are countries strongly considering, orange means countries we occupy that we give universal coverage to, and grey means you don't get shit if you are sick and uninsured. The chart shows selected countries per capita expenditures on health care, via


ContrarianJerkwad said...

Luxembourg sucks.

Jack Burton said...

I know, L-C totally sucked. We always beat them in basketball, too.

Ryan Johnson said...

Aren't Luxembourgian's hot heads? Doy!