There is actually a political ad running in my area that asks, "Is it OK to give our tax dollars to illegal aliens for free health care?" h/t to Tbogg.
Time to get all contrary on y'all. We do actually give our tax money to illegal aliens for health care via emergency room treatment, don't we? By the way, I think that's the way it should be for now, but I also think we need health care and immigration reform ... BIG TIME!
First reform: old white people can stop showing ID at the airport. Come on, it's obvious they're not terrorists. Why should they have to suffer the indignity of taking off their shoes? Actually I'm just tired of hearing my mother-in-law complain about it.
Second reform: medicare needs to start covering full-release massages. If chiropractors can get reimbursed for cracking backs than we can certainly find some room in the budget for happy endings.
This is true about illegal aliens and health care. But wouldn't it be nice that, along with all uninsured, that no one would need to go to the emergency room from ailments that if treated sooner, would not blow up into expensive ER visits? That is where health care spending really gets expensive. Big Time. You know the second we relax our vigilance with the olds, BOOM! They cannot be trusted, ever. And yes, full release massages for all, I say. I have a story about massage confusion that I will share some day. Probably the next time I see you, ContrarianJ.
What we spend on undocumented immigrants (who actually pay more in taxes than they recieve in "benefits") is a tiny fraction compared to the uncompensated care costs from uninsured citizens. Of course they are all welfare queens.
Time to get all contrary on y'all. We do actually give our tax money to illegal aliens for health care via emergency room treatment, don't we? By the way, I think that's the way it should be for now, but I also think we need health care and immigration reform ... BIG TIME!
First reform: old white people can stop showing ID at the airport. Come on, it's obvious they're not terrorists. Why should they have to suffer the indignity of taking off their shoes? Actually I'm just tired of hearing my mother-in-law complain about it.
Second reform: medicare needs to start covering full-release massages. If chiropractors can get reimbursed for cracking backs than we can certainly find some room in the budget for happy endings.
This is true about illegal aliens and health care. But wouldn't it be nice that, along with all uninsured, that no one would need to go to the emergency room from ailments that if treated sooner, would not blow up into expensive ER visits? That is where health care spending really gets expensive. Big Time.
You know the second we relax our vigilance with the olds, BOOM! They cannot be trusted, ever. And yes, full release massages for all, I say. I have a story about massage confusion that I will share some day. Probably the next time I see you, ContrarianJ.
What we spend on undocumented immigrants (who actually pay more in taxes than they recieve in "benefits") is a tiny fraction compared to the uncompensated care costs from uninsured citizens. Of course they are all welfare queens.
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